KralKaya Tombs Map And Location

Information About KralKaya Tombs


KralKaya Tombs are monumental tombs carved into limestone rocks on the southern slopes of the Harşena Mountain in Amasya during the Hellenistic period.

In 302 BC the Pontus Kingdom was founded by Mithridates I and was named Amasya as the capital. There is the tomb of five kings (Mithridates I, Ariobarzanes, Mithridates II, Mithridates III, Farnekes III) from the Mithridates I to the Farnakes I, ruling from 160 BC. The area, known as the Valley of Kings, is located on the coast of Yeşilırmak and includes 21 rock tombs, including nine rock tombs in Amasya Castle. There are passages carved behind the rock tombs. The graves dominate the city.

There are two Turkish baths built in the 15th century during the Ottoman period.

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takvim 24/07/2019
category History


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