Tahtakuslar Museum Map And Location

Information About Tahtakuslar Museum


Tahtakuşlar Ethnography Museum A private ethnography gallery in Tahtakuşlar Village within the boundaries of Güre Municipality established by a Primary School Teacher named Alibey Kudar.

In the gallery, who migrated from Central Asia to Turkey Konar - interesting and unique cultural heritage of the nomadic Turkish tribes and Kazdagi (formerly Mount Ida) legends are on display. There is also an art gallery where special works of art are exhibited.

17 km to Edremit, 5 km to Akçay and 2 km to Balıkesir Çanakkale E-24 highway. distance depends on paved roads, built in natural beauty, opened Turkey's first private Ethnographic Museum of the ethnographic gallery with 10 in June 1991, and established a village for the first time in Turkey.

Founded by a schoolteacher named Alibeyler Kuder gallery of interesting and unique cultural heritage who migrated from Central Asia to Turkey Konar-nomadic Turkish tribes, clothing, appliances, carpets and tents; All kinds of works of art are exhibited in the art gallery throughout the year.

Tahtakuşlar Village and Kazdağı Turkmens: The 'Tree Eri' from the Salur tribe of the Oghuz tribes escaped from the Mongolian pressure in the 13th century and migrated to the north of the Caspian Sea. This story of migration, first extending to Khorasan and then to Iraq, continued until the Taurus Mountains. Because of their mastery of wood, they were called "Tahtacı Turkmen", or simply "Tahtacı". When Sultan Mehmet the Conqueror decided to take Istanbul, he ordered the timber of the ships and sledges to be processed from the trees on Mount Ida. When it was understood that the 'connoisseurs' lived in the Taurus Mountains, a new way of migration appeared to the Tahtacı Turkmen. The Tahtacılar who loaded their camels on the Sultan 's decree and made their way to Kazdağı, made up of 67 ships, which were also used to suppress the Lesbos Rebellions, as well as many wooden materials. They did not leave the region after the conquest and established villages that maintained the Turkmen traditions.

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takvim 26/07/2019
category Museum
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