Troy Ancient City Map And Location

Information About Troy Ancient City


Troy or Troy It is a historical city located at the foot of Mount Ida (Ancient Mount Ida), within the borders of Çanakkale province. Now known as classical antiquity in Asia Minor, now called Anatolia in modern Turkey, immediately south and southwest of the mouth of the Dardanelles IR is a city located in the northwest of the mountain. The present location is known as Hisarlik. It is the ancient city where the Trojan War took place in the Iliad, one of the two epic poems presumed to have been written by Homer. In the 1870 German amateur archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann discovered by Tevfikiye around the village today, most of the artifacts in the ancient city in Turkey, Germany and Russia. The ancient city has been on the World Heritage List since 1998 and has been a National Park since 1996.
Under the influence of French, the word "Troie" of the ancient city was translated into Turkish as Troy. The name of the city is mentioned in Greek documents as Τροία (Troia). Some experts argue that the city should be called "Troy" in Turkish. However, the name of Troy in Turkish documents is widely used as seen in the examples of Trojan War, Trojan Horse.
The ancient city is located on the "Hisarlık Hill" (39 ° 58′K, 26 ° 13′D) to the west of the village of Tevfikiye in the central district of Çanakkale. The hill is a part of a large limestone layer measuring 200x150m with an altitude of 31.2m.

Although it is not known for a long time that there is an ancient city on the Hill of Hisarlik, it can be argued that the archaeological remains in the region are close to the surface and that the local residents call the hill Hisarlik. Furthermore, it is thought that the city of Troy was founded near the Hisarlik Tepesi, Karamenderes and Dümrek streams and a sheep opening to the Dardanelles.

The historical region where the city is located and named after it represents approximately the Asian continent of Çanakkale Province is called Troas (or Troad).

The Luvian hieroglyphic seal found in layer B of the seventh Troy city.
First of all, the city, which is close to the sea like the ancient cities of Ephesus and Miletus, was established as a port city to the south of the Dardanelles Strait. In time, the Karamenderes River moved to the shores of the city due to alluviums away from the sea and lost its importance. Therefore, after natural disasters and attacks, they were not resettled and abandoned.

The Trojans replaced the Herakleid dynasty of Sardis and ruled Anatolia for 505 years until the Lydian kingdom Candaules (735-718 BC). Ions, Cimmerians, Phrygians, Milestones spread after them in Anatolia, followed by the Persian invasion in 546 BC.

The ancient city of Troy is identified with the temple of Athena. Emperor Xerxes during the reign of Persia during the Greek expedition, before passing through the Dardanelles Strait in the city to sacrifice this temple, Alexander the Great in the same time during the struggle against the Persians in the fight against the visit of the city and donated armor to the temple of Athena.

Trojan Layers
The excavations carried out in the ruins of the ancient city discovered by amateur archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann in 1871 revealed that the city was founded seven times - in different periods - and that there were 33 layers belonging to different periods. This complex historical and archaeological structure of the city is divided into 9 main parts, which are represented by Roman numerals in order to make it easier to examine the city. These main periods and some sub-periods are given below;

Troy I (3000-2600 bc)
The first city in the area was founded in the 3rd millennium BC on the hill of fortification where it would be established in the following cities. During the Bronze Age, the city has developed commercially, and its position is in the Dardanelles Strait, where every merchant ship from the Aegean Sea to the Black Sea is forced to cross. Despite the fact that cities in the east of Troy have been destroyed and that Troy has not been demolished, a cultural change is seen that shows that a new community of people took over Troy. The first phase of the city is characterized by a smaller castle of about 300 m in diameter, consisting of 20 rectangular houses surrounded by large walls, towers and passages.

Troy II, III, IV, V (2600-1950)
Troy II doubled the previous universe and had a smaller town and upper castle; the walls guarded the upper acropolis, which housed the megaron-style palace for the king. In the second phase, the archaeological excavations show that it was destroyed by a great fire, but the Trojans had been destroyed in the II. It was rebuilt to create a fortified fortress with larger but smaller and more dense houses than Troy. This intense and fortified structure is thought to be due to an economic downturn and an increase in external threats. The construction of the walls covering a larger area continued in Troy III, IV and V so that even in the face of economic reasons and external threats, the city walls survived in later stages.
Troy VI and VII (1700-950 BC)
Troy VI was destroyed by a possible earthquake around 1250 BC. No body remains other than an arrowhead were found in this layer. However, the city quickly healed itself and was rebuilt more regularly. This reconstruction continued to tend to have an intensely fortified fortress to protect the outer edge of the city in the face of central earthquakes and sieges.

Troy VI can be characterized by the construction of columns at the southern gate. The columns are not thought to support any structure, but have an altar-like base and an impressive size. This structure is probably thought to be the area where the city performs its religious rituals. Another characteristic feature of Troy VI is the construction of a tightly packed housing and many cobblestone streets near the fortress. Although there are only a few houses, this is due to the reconstruction of Troy VIIa on the hills.

Also discovered in 1890, this VI. Mycenaean pottery was found in Troy level. This pottery shows that during Troy IV, the Trojans still trade with the Greeks and the Aegean. Burning graves were also found 400 meters south of the castle. This provided evidence of a small sub-city south of the Hellenistic city walls. Although the size of this city was not known due to erosion and regular construction activities, when a site was discovered by Blegen during the excavation of the site in 1953, a ditch was found that could be used to defend settlements just above the mainland. Moreover, the small settlement to the south of the wall itself is likely to have been used as an obstacle to protecting the main city walls and castle.

One issue that is still debated is whether or not Troy belongs to the Mycenaean civilization if it is not Anatolia. Although the city has a presence in the Aegean, its ceramic finds and architecture strongly hint at the Anatolian orientation. in light of the ruins is likely to be the city of Luwian. Only one percent of the pottery found during the excavation of Troy VI belongs to the Mycenaean civilization. The large walls and gates of the city are closely related to many other Anatolian designs. In addition, the cremation practice is Anatolian. Cremation is never seen in the Mycenaean world. Anatolian hieroglyphics The hieroglyphs of Anatolia, along with the bronze seals marked with the Luwian inscription, were unearthed in 1995. These seals were occasionally seen in about 20 other Anatolian and Syrian cities (1280 - 1175 BC).

Troy VI maintained its long-distance commercial dominance during this period, during which the population saw the peak of its establishment and accommodated between 5,000 and 10,000 people and rose to an important city status. Troy's position was very convenient in the early bronze age, and in the middle and late bronze ages it was a common point for a long-distance trade zone reaching Afghanistan, the Persian Gulf, the Baltic Region, Egypt and the Western Mediterranean. Central and seen from early to late Troy VI that are considered commercial products from the east and west metals such as perfume oils and hundreds of shipwrecks along the coast of Turkey remnants of various products. These ships had abundant merchandise and some of the vessels were carrying more than 15 tons of merchandise. The wrecks discovered include copper, tin and glass nuggets, bronze tools and weapons, ebony and ivory ostrich egg shells, jewels and ceramics from different cultures all over the Mediterranean. From the Bronze Age discovered 210 shipwrecks in the Mediterranean coastline, 63 were discovered in Turkey. However, the remains of Troy are minimal. It is observed that very few of the wares found in Troy VI were documented because of the fact that there were very few commercial centers and low trade volume during the Late Bronze Age.Troy is located to the north of the largest trade routes, so it is more accurate to define the Troy as a metropolitan city that makes a serious contribution to trade, rather than directly as a commercial center.

It is true to emphasize that the majority of the population in Troy VIIa lived inside the walls.

The main reason for this is probably due to the Mycenaean threat. Troy VI is thought to have been destroyed by an earthquake. The mobility of the fault lines in the region and the tectonic activities reinforce this possibility. It was built on Troy VI, which makes the excavation process of Troy VIIA difficult.

B.C. Troy VIIa, dated to the middle of the 13th century, is the most powerful candidate for Homeric Troy. The destruction of this universe by the war has been unearthed in excavations. The evidence of the fires and massacres that occurred in 1184 caused this universe to identify with the city besieged by the Achaeans during the Trojan war and the Trojan war was immortalized in the ilyad written by homer.

Calvert's 1000-Year Gap
Initially, the layers of Troy VI and VII were completely ignored, because Schliemann preferred the possibility that the burned city of Troy II was Homeric Troy. Calvert's 1000-year emptiness with Dörpfeld's discovery of Troy VI. Archeology moved away from Schliemann's Troy and began to work on finding Troy again.

The 1000-year gap (1800-800 BC) was a period in which Schiliemann's archeology did not take into account, and thus Troy created a hole in the timeline. In Homer's Iliad, a part of the city walls is said to be weak. During the 300-meter wall excavations, Dörpfeld came across a section very similar to the Homeric Troy description of the weak section. Dörpfeld was convinced that he had found Homeric Troy and began excavating the city. The walls of this layer (Troy VI) yielded many Sqmen pottery from the late Helladic (LH) IIIa and IIIb periods and revealed a relationship between the Trojans and the Mycenaean. The tower appears to be the "big tower of Illios". As a result, the ruins showed that the city came across Illios (Troy), the city of Dörpfeld in the Homer epic. Schilliemann himself stated that there is a high probability that Troy VI would be Homeric Troy, but he did not publish anything about it. Approved by Dörpfeld, who was as passionate as Schilliemann the only argument is that the city appears to have been destroyed by the earthquake, not by the men. However, there is little doubt that Troy VII was not the Trojan attacked by the Mycenaean.

Troy VIII (700 BC)
Troy VIII is known as Hellenistic Troy. Hellenistic Troy is culturally similar to the rest of the Aegean. The events that took place during this period were conveyed to the present day by Greek and Roman historians. B.C. In 480, the Persian King Xerxes sacrificed 1000 cattle in the temple of Athena, which was excavated in Troy VIII, as he marched from Hellaspontine to Greece. After the defeat of Persia in 480-479, Ilion and his region became the property of Lesvian continents and remained under the control of Lesvos until the failed Lesvian Rebellion in 428-427. Athens, including the illion to save the so-called Aktaean cities, including the population of the Delian League in Athens, the influence of Hellaspont'daki Athens declined with 411 oligarchic coup and that year, Spartan general Mindaros, also sacrificed Athena Illias imitated Xerxes'i. In 399, Spartan general Dercylidas expelled the Greek garrison, which ruled the region on behalf of the Lampskenes dynasty and recaptured it from Persian influence. Illion remained under the control of the satrap of Persia at Dascylium until the peace of Antalcidas between 387-386. During this renewed Persian influence (387-367 BC), the statue of Ariobarzanes, the Hellaspontin Phrygian satrap, was erected in front of the temple of Athena Illias. Between 360-359 the city was taken under control by Charidemus of Oreus from Euboean island, which worked for the Athenians from time to time. In 359 he was expelled from the city by Menalaus of Athens, the son of Arriabos, whom the Ilionites (Troy) honored with a power of attorney. B.C. In 334, Alexander went to Asia Minor when he came to the city and visited the temple of Athena Illias and donated his armor. Alexander visited the tombs of the heroes of the Homeric period, offered them sacrifices, and then granted the city free status and exempted them from tax. According to Alexander's recent plans, Athena thought to rebuild the illias temple in a larger way than any other temple in the world. In 311, Antigonus Monophtalmus took control of Troad and founded the new city of Antigoneia Troas, the synagogue of Skepsis, Kebren, Neandreia, Hamaxitos, Larissa and Kolonai. B.C. In 311-306, Athena Illias's koinon succeeded in obtaining assurance from Antigonus that he would respect his autonomy and freedom, and his Koinon status continued to work until the 1st century AD. The coinons were mainly from the cities of Troad, but were included in the eastern propontist Myrlea and Chalcedon for some time in the second half of the 3rd century. The governing body of the Koinons was the synedrion, where each city was represented by two delegates. In particular, with regard to finance, the daily work of synergies was left to five agonothetai schools in which no city had more than one representative. This equal (non-proportional) representation system has ensured that no one can control the koin politically. The main purpose of Koinon was to organize the annual Panathenaia festival at the temple of Athena Ilias. In addition to bringing a large number of pilgrims to Ilion during the festival, the festival has created a tremendous market (panegiri) that attracts merchants in the region. In addition, Koinon financed new building projects in Illion, including a new theater in the city and the development of the temple of Athena Illias to make the city a suitable place for such a big festival. B.C. During the period 302–281, Ilion and Troad were part of Ilion's Lysimachus kingdom, which helped to expand the population and territory of the city by matching nearby communities. In February 281, Lysimachus was defeated by Seleucus I Nikator in the Battle of Corupedium, and thus handed over control of the Seleucid kingdom of Asia Minor, then passed Seleucus' Troad to Lysimachia in nearby Thrace Chersonese Ilion, where he issued a decree in honor of stating their new loyalty. In September Seleucus was killed by Ptolemy Keraunos in Lysimachia and made his successor Antiochus I Soter the new king. In 280 or shortly thereafter, Ilion issued a long decree, generously honoring Antiochus, to strengthen relations with him. During this period, Ilion still lacked the appropriate city walls except for the fortifications of Troy VI, which were collapsing around the castle, and the city was easily looted during the Gallic invasion in 278. Ilion established a close relationship with Antiochus for the rest of his reign, for example, in 274, Antiochus gave land to his friend Assos Aristodikides, who was to be bound to Ilion's land for tax purposes. 275-269 Ilion issued a decree in honor of Amphipolis Metrodoros, who had successfully treated the king for a wound he received in battle.

Troy IX

The city, after eleven days of siege BC. In 85, Sulla's rival was destroyed by the Roman general Fimbria. Later that year when Sulla defeated Fimbria, she helped rebuild the city to reward her loyalty. Ilion, this act of generosity as the first year BC. 85 by responding to a new civilian calendar. However, despite the status provided by Rome, the city has been in financial trouble for several years. B.C. In the 80s, the Roman people illegally imposed taxes on the holy areas of Athena Ilias and called the city L. Julius Caesar to arbitrate. The same year the city was attacked by pirates. B.C. In 77, the costs of running the annual festival of Athena Ilias' coin became very challenging for both Ilion and other members of the coin. L. Julius Caesar was once again forced to arbitrate to regulate the financial burden. B.C. 74, Ilians once again VI. They showed their loyalty to Rome by supporting the Roman general Lucullus against Mithridates. Following Mithridates 'final defeat in 63-62, Pompey rewarded the city's loyalty as Ilion's deputy and Athena Ilias' boss. B.C. In 48, Jullius Ceasear became kinship with the Illians, saying that during the Mithridatic Wars, the city's loyalty to his cousin L. Julius Ceasear and his family came from Aenas, the prince of Troy. B.C. In 20, Emperor Augustus visited Ilion and stayed at the house of Melanippides, the son of his prominent citizen, Euthydikos. As a result of his visit, he financed the restoration and reconstruction of the temple of Athena Ilias, the bouleuterion and the theater. The theater was soon completed in 12–11 BC, and Melanippides devoted a statue of Augustus to the theater to save this benefit.
The first comments that the ancient city of Troy could be in the fortress were made by Charles Maclaren of Scotland in 1822. The first archaeological survey was conducted in 1863-1865 by the British Frank Calvert who found that there might be a mound in the region. However, the certainty and widespread recognition of the idea that this city was Troy was the result of the excavations carried out by the German Heinrich Schliemann.

Heinrich Schliemann
Originally a merchant, Heinrich Schliemann made the first extensive excavations in the fortress and found the collection "The Treasure of Troy" or the "Treasure of Priamos". As a result of the drilling works completed in 1870 by obtaining permission from the Ottoman Empire, it carried out the first group excavations between 1871-1874. Schliemann, who suffered from malaria for a while, stopped the excavations and continued excavations until the 1890s, although not as intense as the first ones. It is also known that Schliemann smuggled the treasures he found during excavations abroad.

Both Schliemann's lack of archaeological origin and the lack of archaeological science at that time could not be adequately evaluated and led to the destruction of many other archaeological findings.

Wilhelm Dörpfeld
Wilhelm Dörpfeld, an architect who accompanied the Schliemann excavations, undertook the excavations in 1893-1894 after Schliemann's death. The determination of the layered structure of the city belongs to Dörpfeld.

Carl W. Blegen
One time the excavations were resumed by the Republic of Turkey during the American arkeolg Carl W. Blegen. Excavations were conducted in 1932-1938 with the support of the University of Cincinati. Blegen especially identified the period of Troy VIIa, which was considered the period of the Trojan War, with his works.

Manfred Korfmann
In a second pause of about half a century, it began again in 1988 by the German archaeologist Manfred Korfmann, who was the head of the excavation on behalf of the University of Tübingen. Korfmann, who served as the head of excavations until his death in 2005, has an important place in the excavation history of the ancient city. In 2003, is a citizen of Turkey, Osman took the name as a second name.

As the ancient city is also an important touristic touristic point, Korfman's excavations started with the arrangement of the ruins. In the following years, it is remembered for both the archeological works and the support it provided for the city to be a national park and for the tourists in the ancient city.

Ernst Pernicka
Pernicka has been carrying out excavations since 2006.


Works abroad
Germany: Heinrich Schliemann smuggled the treasure he found in Troy to Greece and then to Germany. II. The treasury, which was known to have been in Germany before World War II, was involved in post-war losses. Today, it is thought that Germany still has about 480 Troy works. These works are exhibited in the Halls 103 and 104 in the Neues Museum in Berlin, but the collection is in II. Some of the works exhibited because they disappeared in World War II are copies of their originals.

Turkey's 10th President Ahmet Necdet Sezer, 2001 in Stuttgart, Germany, held in "Troy, Dreams and Realities" at the exhibition opening, asked Turkey to return the works indirectly and it is expressed in these words:

"The cultural treasure exhibited here is part of the world cultural heritage. These works gain greater meaning and wealth in the land of the civilizations to which they belong"

Russia: The part of the Trojan treasure lost in Berlin II. At the end of World War II, it was revealed that in Berlin, which was occupied by the Allied forces, they were taken away from the Berlin Zoo by the Russians. Russia for a long time rejecting the claims that the country of artifacts, 1994, accepting that the country of artifacts, said that they are war compensation. As for the works of the works requested by Turkey it is that there is a right to ask of them brought from Turkey to Germany. Since 1996, works in Russia have been exhibited at the Pushkin Museum in Moscow.

USA: In 1966, the Penn Museum purchased 24 pieces of earrings, necklaces, diadem, bracelets and pendants from Troy's Early Bronze Age Period. However, this period pieces in 2009 under the leadership of the Culture and Tourism Minister Ertugrul Gunay start negotiations that were returned to Turkey.

Troy in mythology

In mythology, the hill where the city was founded was the first place where the goddess Ate, who was thrown down from Olympus by Zeus for deceiving Zeus, fell first. The founder of the city is Ilios, son of Tros. The city of Dardanos near Çanakkale is a descendant of King Dardanos (mythology).

He wins a competition organized by the Phrygian King and decides to establish a city where the bull stands, following the black bull awarded. The bull collapsed on the ground where the goddess Ate fell and built the city of Ilios on this hill. The city is called Illia because of its founder and Troy because of Tros, the father of Ilios. The destruction of the city by the Akalar is connected to the bad luck brought by this goddess.

King Laomedon
The father of Ganymede, who was kidnapped by Zeus, is known for his evil personality. Ganymede in return for the king gives special horses. Zeus, who was saved by the goddess Thetis from the trap of Poseidon and Apollo who wanted to overthrow him, punished Poseidon and Apollo to build the city walls. When he completes this task, King Laomedon does not return the gold he offers. Poseidon is also a sea monster attack on Troy. The demigod Hercules kills the monster in exchange for the king's horses. When the king refused to keep his word again, Hercules killed King Laomedon and the son of the king, the last Trojan king Priamos, ascended the throne.

Trojan War

The Trojan War, Paris, the son of Priamos, the winner of the love of the most beautiful woman in the world as a result of the beauty contest between the goddesses on Kaz Mountain, was the subject of the war against Iliad, which started with the kidnapping of this married woman Hellen.

Trojan horse
The Trojan horse is a wooden horse that was made to enter the city secretly in order to end the war and was given as a gift to the other party for entry into the city walls. The idea of ​​Odysessus is presented to the Trojans as gifts. The Trojans, unaware of the soldiers hidden in the horse, carry the monument to the city and begin the celebrations. In the evening, the soldiers go out and start plundering the city. The term Trojan horse becomes so widespread that it is also used as an expression.

Trojan celebrities
The famous people of Troy mentioned in mythology are as follows;

Troy and Turks
As the Ottoman Empire began to gain great power in Europe in the 15th century, humanist thinkers of the Renaissance era began to reflect on the Turkish ancestry. The greatest view was that the Turks were descended from the Trojans. Many renaissance thinkers used to tell in their works that a group of Troy, the Turks, who fled to Asia after the capture of the city of Troy by the Greeks, went back to Anatolia and took revenge on the Greeks. In the earlier 12th century, William of Tyrell, stating that the Turks came from nomadic culture, stated that their roots were based on Troy. When the Spanish Pero Tafur visited Constantinople (Istanbul) in 1437 before the conquest of Istanbul, he said that the word "Turks will avenge Troy" was circulating among the people. Cardinal Isidore, who was in the city during the siege of Istanbul in 1453, referred to the Ottoman Sultan Fatih Sultan Mehmet in a letter he wrote as the "Prince of the Trojans". Kritovulos, the Sultan of Mehmed the Conqueror, came to the region where the ruins of Troy were located in the Dardanelles during the expedition of Mytilene and expressed his admiration for the heroes of the Trojan war. Kritovoulos wrote that Fatih shook his head and said:

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