Mardin Castle Map And Location

Information About Mardin Castle


Mardin Castle is a castle in Mardin. Another name of Mardin Castle is "Eagle Nest".

It is a fortified place built on the upper part of the city where the city's large area rests. Subari, Sumerian, Babylonian, Mitani, Assyrian, Persian, Roman, Byzantine, Umayyad, Abbasid, Hamdaniler, Seljuks, Artukid, Karakoyunlu, Akkoyunlu, Safavids, Ottomans lived a very important castle. In 330 AD, a king named Shad Bukhari who worshiped the fire and worshiped the sun came and stayed in Mardin castle. When the sick king recovered when he lived in the castle, he made himself a mansion and lived there for 12 years. Then he brought many soldiers and civilians from his native Persia and Babylon and built settlements in Mardin for them. Thanks to the influence of the public, progress is seen until 444 AD. The spread of plague in 442 AD caused the deaths of the fortresses. Mardin Castle was not used until 542 AD.

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